Sunday, November 14, 2021

ECG Interpretation/ How to read an ECG or EKG/ Characteristics of the normal ECG


An ECG complex represents the electrical events occurring in one cardiac cycle. A complex consists of five waveforms labelled with the letters P, Q, R, S, and T. The middle three letters —Q, R, and S—are referred to as a unit, the QRS complex. ECG tracings represent the conduction of electrical impulses from the atria to the ventricles.



  • Small, Positive and smooth wave.
  • Always +ve in lead II during sinus rhythm.
  • P wave is virtually always +ve in leads aVL, aVF, I, V4, V5, and V6 and -ve in aVR lead.
  • Frequently biphasic in V1 ( occasionally in V2)  the -ve deflection is normally <1mm.
  • P wave duration should be <0.12 sec.
  • P wave amplitude should be <2.5 mm.

Pathological P wave 

  • Tall Tented  :-  Right Atrial Enlargement
  • Bifid (looks like an M) :- Left Atrial Enlargement


  • Normal PR Interval :-  3-5 small squares 
                                         120 - 200 milliseconds
                                         ( 0.12 to 0.22 sec )
  • A prolonged PR Interval (<0.22 sec) is consistent with lead Ist degree AV-Block.
  • A shortened PR interval (<0.12 sec) indicate pre-excitation (presence of an accessory pathway this is associated with delta wave).



Normal QRS Complex 
Amplitude :-  <3 small squares
Duration    :-    0.08 to 0.10 sec 


  • Negative deflection preceding the R wave.
  • < 1 small square wide
  • < 2 small square deep 

Pathological (large) Q wave  

  • Past MI
  • MI with last 6 hours
R WAVE                 

  • The only Positive deflection
  • Look at leads V1, V2, V3
  • If R wave height is equal to or more than S wave

Pathological is either :-

  • Right Ventricular Hypertrophy (T wave inversion also present)
  • Posterior infarct (normal upright T wave)


  • Look at V1, V2, V3
  • If the deepest S wave > 4 big squares.....
  • Then add it to the large R wave of lead V5 or V6.
  • If total >7 :- Left Ventricular Hypertrophy 

NOTE If S wave height in V1, V2. V3, + R wave height in V5 or V6 = LVH 


the various configurations of QRS complexes. 
When documenting the QRS complex, use 
uppercase letters to indicate a wave with a normal or high amplitude (greater than 5 mm) and lowercase letters to indicate a wave with a low amplitude (less than 5 mm). In some instances, a second R wave may appear in a QRS complex. 
This is called R'.

QRS Complex Waveform Variety


  • The ST Segment is the part of the ECG between the end of the S wave and the start of the T wave.


ST Elevation 
  • Acute MI ( STEMI)
  • Acute Pericarditis 
  • Aneurysm

ST Depression 
  • Acute Ischemia 

ST Segment


  • Duration :-  0.10 to 0.25
  • Amplitude :-  < 5 mm 
  • Normal T Wave  :-  same direction as corresponding QRS Complex 

Pathological T wave 

  • Inversion  :-  Can be a sign of  :-  Ischemia 
                                                                 Old Infarction 
  • Tall T wave  :-  Hyperkalemia 
                                    Hyper-acute Stage of MI


  • The U wave is a wave on an ECG that is not always seen.
  • Typically small and by definition, follow the T wave.
  • Represent Repolarization of Purkinje fiber.


STEP 1.  Determine the rhythm 

  • Regular or Irregular 
  • P wave before every QRS Complex (Sinus Rhythm)
  • QRS Complex Interval - Constant 

STEP 2.  Determine the rate 

  • Normal  :-  60 - 100 bpm 
  • Tachycardia :-  > 100 bpm 
  • Bradycardia :-  < 60 bpm 

Calculation Method of Heart Rate 

  • If a patient has a regular heart rhythm their heart rate can be calculated by using the following method:-

Regular Rhythm

Method 1.

Calculate Big Square Boxes between one R-R interval,
Then divide 300 by this number to calculate heart rate. 

Heart Rate ( Calculation Method )

Method 2.

Calculate small square boxes between one R-R interval,
Then divide 1500 by this number to calculate heart rate.

Heart Rate ( Calculation Method )

  • If a patient has a irregular heart rhythm their heart rate can be calculated by using the following method:- 

Irregular Rhythm

Method 1.

6 Second strip method 

Simply count the no. Of complete QRS complex in a 6 second strip. 
Then multiple by 10 in this number to calculate heart rate.

6 Second Strip Method of ECG

STEP 3.  Cardiac Axis 

Cardiac axis describes the overall direction of electrical spread within the heart. 

Normal Axis :-  Positive QRS Complex in Lead I and Lead II / Lead aVF

Right Axis Deviation :-

  • Negative QRS Complex in Lead I
  • Positive QRS Complex in Lead II /Lead aVF

Left Axis Deviation :-

  • Positive QRS Complex in Lead I 
  • Negative QRS Complex in Lead II /Lead aVF

Cardiac Axis Thumb Rule

STEP 4.  Evaluate the P wave

  • Are P wave present ?
  • If so, is each P wave followed by a QRS complex ?
  • Do the P wave look normal ?
  • Check :- Duration, Direction and Shape 
  • If  P waves are absent, is there any atrial activity ?
  1. Sawtooth baseline :- Flutter Waves 
  2. Chaotic baseline :-  Fibrillation Waves 
  3. Flat line :-  No atrial activity at all 

STEP 5.  Determine the duration of the PR Interval 

  • Is the PR Duration a normal 0.12 to 0.20 second ?
  • Is the PR Interval constant ?
  • ( To measure the PR interval, count the small squares between the start of the P wave and the start of the QRS complex, then multiply the number of squares by 0.04 second )

STEP 6.  Determine the duration of the QRS Complex 

  • Is the QRS Complex Duration a normal 0.08 to 0.10 second ?
  • Are all QRS Complexes the same size and shape ?
  • If not, measure each one and describe it individually. 
  • ( To calculate QRS Complex Duration, count the number of small squares between the beginning and end of the QRS complex and multiply this number by 0.04 second. )
  • Does a QRS Complex appear after every P wave ?

STEP 7.  Evaluate the ST Segment 

ST - Elevation 

ST - Elevation is significant when it is greater than 1mm ( 1 small square ) in two or more contiguous limb leads or  >2 mm in two or more chest leads indicate myocardial infarction. 

ST - Depression 

ST - Depression >  0.5 mm in more than and equal to two contiguous leads indicate myocardial ischemia.  

ST Segment Changes

STEP 8.  Evaluate the T Wave 

  • Are T wave present ?
  • Do they all have a normal shape, amplitude and duration?
  • Do they all have the same amplitude ?
  • Do the T waves have the same deflection as the QRS complexes ?

STEP 9.  Evaluate the U Wave

  • U wave are not a common finding. 
  • The U wave is a > 0.5 mm deflection after the T wave best seen in V2 or V3.
  • These become larger the slower the bradycardia.
  • U waves are seen in various electrolyte imbalance. 

STEP 10.  Evaluate any other components 

  • Check for the ectopic beats and other abnormalities.
  • Origin of the rhythm ( for example, sinus node, atrial, AV node or ventricles).
  • Rate Characteristics ( for example, bradycardia or tachycardia ).
  • Rhythm Abnormalities ( for example, Flutter, Fibrillation, Heart Block, Escape rhythm or other arrhythmias ).



Normal Sinus Rhythm

• Regular rhythm
• Normal rate
• A P wave for every QRS complex; all P waves similar in size and shape
• All QRS complexes similar in size and shape
• Normal PR and QT intervals
• Normal (upright and round) T waves


The effect of reversing the electrode in left and right arms

  • Compare with Normal Sinus Rhythm diagram.
  • Inverted P wave in Lead I.
  • Abnormal QRS complex and T wave in Lead I.
  • Upright T waves in Laed aVR are most unusual.

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