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Diabetes - Symptoms, Causes, Precaution, Methods and more

  DIABETIES :- Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease. which is characterised by hyperglycemia resulting from insulin deficiency or insulin resistance. Diabetic Mellitus SYMPTOMS :- 3P :-  Polyuria (frequent urine)   Polyphagia ( very hungry)  polydipsia ( very thirsty) feeling tired blurry vision weight loss  delay wound healing HYPERGLYCEMIA High blood sugar/ high sugar level in blood. HYPOGLYCEMIA   Low blood sugar with a glucose value of usually less than 70mg/dl CAUSES To high dose of medication ( Insulin/ antidiabetic medication ) Delayed Meals Exercise Alcohol SYMPTOMS Shakiness Anxiety Sweating Irritability or Confusion Fast heart beat Dizziness Hunger and nausea Headaches Weakness Seizure/Unconsciousness TREATMENT Consume simple carbohydrates like half cup sweetened juice, 3 tablespoons of sugar, honey, chocolates or hard candy. Recheck your blood glucose after 15 minutes. If hyperglycemia continues, repeat the glucose supplements. Once...

Vitamins And Their Diseases


  • Vitamin was invented by Sir F.G Hopkins.
  • The term vitamin was coined by Funk.
Vitamins are organic compound required in minute quantities. No Calorie is obtained from it, but it is very important in regulating chemical reactions in metabolism of the body.

On the basis of solubility, vitamins are of two types :-

Fat Soluble Vitamins :-  K, E, D, A

Water Soluble Vitamins :-  B and C

Vitamins and their Chemical name

 Vitamins                  Chemical name  

      A.                                Retinol 

      B1.                               Thiamine

      B2.                              Riboflavin 

      B3.                         Nicotinamide/Niacin   

      B5.                         Pantothenic acid

      B6.                               Pyridoxine 

      B7.                               Biotin

      B11.                              Folic acid 

      B12.                       Cynocobalamine 

      B9.                                 Folic acid 

       C.                            Ascorbic acid

       D.                                  Calciferol 

       E.                                   Tocopherol

       K.                            Phylloquninone

The diseases caused by the deficiency of vitamins 

Vitamins                      Deficiency Diseases

       A.          -          Colour blindness,                                                    Xerophthalmia, 
                                Night blindness          

      B1.        -           Beriberi 

      B2.        -           Cracking of skin, 
                                Redish eye, 
                          Cracking at the corners of lips, 
                                Mouth ulcers

      B3.        -           Whitening of hair,
                                Mentally retardness,

       B5.       -           Insomnia, Burning felt,                                        Irritability 

       B6.       -           Anaemia, Depression,
                                Skin disease 
       B7.       -           Paralysis, Body pain, 
                                Hair falling 

       B11.     -           Anaemia, Dysentery 

       B12      -           Pernicious Anaemia,                                            Jaundice Teroile,
                                Ankle edema

       B9.      -            Anaemia, Diarrhoea 
        C.       -             Scurvy, 
                                Swelling of gums,                                                  bleeding gum
        D.      -              Rickets (in children),
                               Osteomalacia (in adults),
        E.       -              Less fertility

        K.       -              Non-clotting of blood

Vitamins and their Sources 

Vitamin A :-    Milk, Egg, Cheese, Green Vegetables, Cod liver oil, Carrot.

Vitamin B1 :-   Ground Nut, Rapeseed, Dried chilli, Pulses, Liver, Egg, Vegetables etc

Vitamin B2 :-    Meat, Green Vegetables, Milk etc.

Vitamin B3 :-    Meat, Milk, Nut, Tomato, Sugarcane etc.

Vitamin B5 :-    Meat, Ground Potato, Tomato, Nut, Leafy Vegetables etc.

Vitamin B6 :-    Liver, Meat, Grains, Rice bran etc.

Vitamin B7 :-    Meat, Egg, Liver, Milk, Nuts, Whole grains etc.

Vitamin B11 :-   Pulse, Liver, Egg

Vitamin B12 :-   Meat Milk

Vitamin B9 :-    Pulses, Liver, Vegetables, Egg etc.

Vitamin C :-  Lemon, Orange, Tomato, sour substance, Chilly, Sprouted grains 

Vitamin D :-   Fish Liver Oil, Milk, Eggs etc.

Vitamin E :-   Leafy Vegetables, Milk, Butter, Sprouted wheat, Vegetable oil, Wheat germ oil etc.

Vitamin K :-   Tomato, Soybean oil, Green Vegetables, Alfalfa etc. 


  • Cobalt is found in Vitamin B12.
  • Synthesis of vitamins cannot be done by the cells of body. It is fulfilled by the vitamin containing food.
  • However, synthesis of vitamin D and K take place in our body.
  • Bleeding gum, falling of teath, Fragile bones and delayed wound healing occur due to deficiency of vitamin C.
  • Deficiency of calcium mainly occur in absence of vitamin D.
  • Synthesis of vitamin D takes place by the ultra violet rays present in the sunlight through cholesterol (ergosterol) of skin. Vitamin D2 is known as ergocalciferol.
  • Vitamin K is synthesized in our colon by the bacteria and from there it is absorbed.
  • Vitamin A is mainly stored in liver.
  • Use of polished rice in human diet cause Beriberi.
  • Most of the vitamins are not synthesized in human body.
  • Amla is the richest source of vitamin C.

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