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What is Cancer/Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Diagnosis of Cancer/ What is Silent Cancer

 CANCER  Cancer is also known as Tumor, and study of cancer is called oncology . Definition  Cancer means uncontrol and abnormal division of cells. They are very rapidly proliferate without any differentiation and apoptosis process. (Abnormal proliferative cell is called Neoplastic cell ) Or The uncontrolled growth of cell by its multiplication is known as Cancer. Types of cancer  There are two types of Tumor :- 1. Benign Tumor  2. Malignant Tumor Benign Tumor  Benign Tumor is also called mass of cell. It cannot spread from one location to other location. That means it is not show metastasis. This is a localised tumor. That means it is present only one location not spread to other location. Benign Tumor  This type of tumor can remove from the body because it is located only on surface of organ. Benign Tumor  Example of Benign Tumor :-  Lipoma Myloma  Malignant Tumor  Malignant Tumor is very dangerous tumor because it can spread or can transfer from one location to other location. Malig

What is Cancer/Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Diagnosis of Cancer/ What is Silent Cancer


Cancer is also known as Tumor, and study of cancer is called oncology.


Cancer means uncontrol and abnormal division of cells. They are very rapidly proliferate without any differentiation and apoptosis process.
(Abnormal proliferative cell is called Neoplastic cell)


The uncontrolled growth of cell by its multiplication is known as Cancer.

Types of cancer 

There are two types of Tumor :-

1. Benign Tumor 
2. Malignant Tumor

Benign Tumor 

Benign Tumor is also called mass of cell.
It cannot spread from one location to other location.
That means it is not show metastasis.

This is a localised tumor. That means it is present only one location not spread to other location.

Benign Tumor (Cancer)
Benign Tumor 

This type of tumor can remove from the body because it is located only on surface of

Benign Tumor (Cancer)
Benign Tumor 

Example of Benign Tumor :- 


Malignant Tumor 

Malignant Tumor is very dangerous tumor because it can spread or can transfer from one location to other location.

Malignant Tumor show metastasis process.

Malignant Tumor (cancer cells)
Malignant Tumor 

Types of Malignant Tumor :- 

There are four types of Malignant Tumor/Cancer :-

1. Carcinoma 

It is also known as skin cancer occur in epithelial tissue, cause by ultraviolet rays of sun.

Carcinoma (Malignant Tumor)

2. Sarcoma 

Cancerous growth in connective tissue, bones, cartilage and muscle is called sarcoma.

Sarcoma (Cancer)

3. Leukemia 

Abnormal growth in the number of leucocytes, also known as blood cancer.

Leukemia (cancer)

Leukemia (Blood Cancer)
Leukemia (Blood Cancer)

4. Lymphoma 

Cancerous growth occur in lymph node or spleen.

Lymphoma (Cancer)

Symptoms of Cancer :-

  • Fatigue 
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Unexplained fever 
  • Changes in bowel 
  • Abnormal lumps
  • Persistent cough
  • Unexplained muscles and joint pain 
  • Night Sweat
  • Digestion problem 
  • Discomfort after eating 
  • Skin color changes occur - Redness of the skin
  • Nails color changes occur 
  • Unusual bleeding 
  • Bowel habit change 

Causes of Cancer 

A special agent which can cause a cancer that is called Carcinogen
  • Physical agent 
  • Chemical agent
  • Biological agent
  • Radiation 

Physical and Chemical agent 

  • Tobacco 
  • Smoking 
  • Alcohol 

Biological agent 

  • Parasite 
Schistosoma parasite cause cancer.

  • Virus 
Hepatitis B and C virus can cause cancer.
Virus which can cause a cancer is called oncogenic virus.


Gama Rays
UV Rays

What is silent cancer ?

Silent cancer do not have initial symptoms, 
This is because, most of these cancer affect internal organs and deep inside the body such as lungs, intestine, liver, bladder and pancreas etc. 
That's why it is difficult to find them during a regular physical exercise.

Treatment of cancer 

1. Surgery 

Benign Tumor Cancer easy remove by surgery.

2. Radiation Therapy 

Different types of radiation are used for the treatment of cancer.
In a radiation Therapy radiation stops the growth of cancer cells without any harms.

3. Chemotherapy 

It is a process in which different Antinuclear drugs are used which is inhibit a cancer cell DNA.

Chemotherapy has some minor disadvantages:- 
Hair loss

How can check you have cancer or not ?

Common test to diagnose cancer :-

  • Blood Chemistry Test
  • CBC (Complete blood count)
  • Genetic test
  • Urinalysis 
  • CT Scan
  • MRI
  • Ultrasound 
  • X-Ray
  • Biopsy 
  • Tumor marker test

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